Wednesday 3 August 2011

July 2011

well july was a losing month for me, but only the 2nd losing month in past 14 months so not the end of the world but definatly alot to be learned from it. 75% being off the table issues. 25% being technical. The month started of ok for be winning 500 on first 24 hrs but after than i stayed around there for the next week, the 1st downswing i had was when 2 tabling a semi bad player, by semi bad i mean losing at 5/100bb over 30k hands so he was not clueless but bad, play on the £ tables aswell was not a good time for him to run like usian bolt on steriods, but it was a lesson in when to quit when game flow is so heavily against you. In this stituation where the other player is on a heater he is probly a break even player as we all play better when winning. I have encounted alot of players like this and the difffernce between them winning and losing in there plays are huge. so basically the after losing 2 buyins i should of quit....... but never and ended up losing 6 buyins.
Lesson number 1. quit marginal losing players after losing 2 buyins.

After that i went on a dencent up swing as was up at highest point about 1k, then someone turned the boom switch on and things went tits up.... basically i was trying to make adjustments to my standard game and in not losing as much in non showdowns pots and i couldnt of found a worse time to try and adjust my game, i was put it alot of tricky spots + trying the adjust game meant i wasnt playing great but after reviewing hands etc i feel there is no problem there now, it was just a massive hit to confidence and momentum was all against me. During the downswing i did take regular breaks and then came back few hrs later but nothing was going my way and i felt like i literally cldnt win a hand, i know i run awfully but i feel with better table selection/ off the table decisions the 20 buy in down swing would of been a 12/13 buy in down swing. But i feel over that know and ready to crush this month and earn some $$$$$$.

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